A Cautionary Tale for Pandemic Times.
A Cautionary Tale: I will give you the moral first and you can read the story if you have the time. Moral: If you have been raised to believe that you should help one another every time you are given the chance, please consider in these pandemic times who might suffer if things go south. The story. A friend of mine understands that she is here on earth to help others. Something we should all understand. On Tuesday she took a friend to the Dentist. He doesn’t drive and frequently calls upon her to help him get to and fro. She admits that part of the time she was not wearing her mask and was in the car which does not promote social distancing. He was wearing a mask. On Wednesday he awoke with a 102 degree fever and was taken to the doctor by a relative where he was COVID tested. He was told he would have results in three days and also told to quarantine and notify those with whom he had been in contact. ...