
Showing posts from November, 2020

The quest for the comfortable life.

This afternoon I jokingly posted on Facebook that it was raining biblically.  That might not be a joke.  We have been suffering through 2020, the year that was (reference: that was the year that was).  Memes abound every time something weird happens that explain it by saying it is all due to "2020".  Well, that might be right but really all this is the culmination, or the beginning of the culmination of what we as humans have been doing to each other and to our island home. Is there climate change?  We can't deny it.  The polar ice cap melt shows us that.  Has it happened before without our intervention?  Probably, but those times were most likely in the cycle of the earth and not in the lifetimes of humans.  Have we helped it along?  Most certainly.  The ongoing development of human desire for comfort, for new things for convenience has also meant the advent of things that destroy the earth and ourselves, gases that heat and are toxic, plastics that are dangerous to wild