Beautiful and Sad Fall

The trees are beginning to think there will be a fall.  The ones that have escaped the scourge of the spotted lantern fly are changing into their plaid fall shirts.  Some of the plaids are spectacular and some trees haven't quite got the meaning of turning colors, they just turn brown and then let go.

Some of the humans I know are brown and letting go as well.  The extroverts among us are trying awfully hard to find ways of turning colors when we humans are asked not to this year.  They gather in groups they want to believe are safe, they call me at strange hours of the night looking for companionship, they look hollow-eyed from searching out those of their ilk who might also want to make COVID mischief,

For myself, I am content to be my solitary cantankerous self: writing, watching YouTube or reruns of The West Wing, wondering why the fridge looks so empty but having no earthly urge to go shopping.

I guess the world is built on different types but we also exist for different times.


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